El Sol Market
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Our Services

Shelley pauls g7wdvr8rdpg unsplash (1)
Fresh Produce

Fresh Produce

Tommao wang kqytz3vfb o unsplash (1)
Fresh Meats

Fresh Meats

Chantal garnier 910ganwboew unsplash
Fresh Food

Fresh Food

    El Sol Market is a well-stocked grocery market located in Imperial, CA. We carry various fresh produce and meats, so you're sure to find what you're looking for.

    Our fresh food services are designed to cater to our client's needs. We follow the local market and keep our store stocked with what our customers need. Visit us today!

Boxes 1834416 1920 (1)
Salad 2756467 640

We sell delicious fresh food from our local market. Visit us today to browse our inventory.

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